Monday, December 7, 2009

Student Sale

My first time to do student sale

I really enjoy!!!!

It make me to think about more, such as business card, packaging,ect.

but It was too late to make those thing, so this year might just sale my jewelry

I wish I can do more for the display~oh well~ I can consider next time

So I migh consider to make my bussiness card in Taiwan~ hope it's cheaper!!

Finally my Etching came out

I have been very busy recently
working on many projects!!

I was very stress about the design for the etching.
what can I do for etching??

One day I was in History of Craft, I was stopping by the image.....Mount Fuji

 so I came out with my design for etching.....................

I was useing nail polish for the eitching, but it was very hard to get my line very smooth.
So I used asphaltum for cover the whole pieces of metal with the asphaltum, only one side!! (need to wait 24Hr)

And my professor suggested me use chalk apply on the back side of design put on the top of asphaltum, and then use pen draw over on the design, it will came out like top.

the most  messy part, to scratch the resist away
and When I finish the scratch part, I put a packing tape in the back side of metal, to protect the surface, and creat a handel to hold it in the chemical container, so there will be enough space in betwen the surface of metal and the chemical that we used for the etching. It will helps to get a better result.

so I put in the PCB ( chemical that I used) for about 4 hours, then I got my result

my Final result

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jewelry Production Project

This is my first time doing real production project~~~and I did it!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

oh~ yea~ my Spider has legs

Finally I got my Spider attach with legs~ it was very hard~ but I did it

My next step will be attach my spider on ..............................................

this one was the crazy one that I have ever done~

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My project is in progress

................Working in my pitch bowl....................

Finally finish~~~ then I can start to build the spider body

Spider body

working on main structure part of spider web

But I still got a long way need to go

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Paper model for my exhibition in motion project

This is my idea for the project..................
Spider&Spider web

I want the spider began to build its spider web from the side of face.
But how can I site the spider on the side of face, and won't hurt the face.
one day I seem a person wear the bluetooth headphones


here is my spider paper model

this photo is showing how it works

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Research Spray Etching

Spray Eitching

Adam's PCB home page .........home made spray eitching stuff, not too sure about this one.

Article about the eitching .........looks like very very hard > <

A fine eitching............................Hum~ I don't know it's that something I'm looking for??

Recycle Project from Jewelry

Recycle Project is an assignment for my Jewelry class.

Yea~That sounds really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! It does have a lot of fun.
What kind of jewelry that I am going to make out of SpongeBob?? I don't know.

Look!!  This is the SpongeBob that I am going to use to make a piece of wearable jewelry.
I decided to use most important part from SpongBob, Do you know what is it ??
yes, It's his beautiful eye!!!


Creat A Blog

Creat a Blog for Jewelry Design!!!!